Вкус России (2017)

Вкус России

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Ведущие будут готовить блюда, характерные для конкретных мест, а также узнают любопытные исторические факты и обычаи

Американец Глен Куцовски, мечтающий открыть в Майами ресторан русской кухни, решил отправиться в кулинарное путешествие по России. Телеведущий Оскар Кучера поможет ему узнать самые интересные рецепты и традиции

Жанры: Кулинария, Культура, Путешествия

Страны производства: Россия

Темы: Современная документалистика

Производство: RT

Категория: Документальный сериал

Год выпуска: 2017

Возрастной рейтинг: 16+ (зрителям, достигшим 16 лет)

Архив доступен до: 2025-02-20 14:00:00

Доступна перемотка (Catch-up): Да

Продолжительность: 30 мин.

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Эпизоды документального сериала «Вкус России»

ID эпизода Сезон Серия Название эпизода Описание
1170247111-я серияGlen, an American foodie, wants to open an authentic Russian restaurant in Florida, but knows nothing about Russian cuisine. He asks his Russian friend Oscar to help unlock its secrets
1175945122-я серияAccording to a Russian proverb, war is no excuse for missing lunch. Oscar and Glen travel back in time to learn how Soviet troops cooked and ate during WWII
1180053133-я серияGlen learns to make one of Russia’s most ancient dishes, a fish soup called ukha. It’s essential to use freshly caught fish, but it’s winter, so Oscar and Glen must go ice fishing
1184345144-я серияOscar and Glen say NO to rabbit food and eat the rabbit instead. With the help of an experienced chef, the friends make rabbit stew, a traditional hunters’ dish. But first they practice archery and learn to hunt with falcons and hounds
1188643155-я серияGlen thinks he’s gained weight and wants to make something simple this time. And what could be simpler than pelmeni? The meat-filled dumplings can be found frozen and ready-to-boil in any Russian supermarket
1195438166-я серияOscar says to truly understand Russian cuisine, reading Tolstoy is a must. He and Glen visit the count’s estate, Yasnaya Polyana to discover what fare was served at the renowned author’s table
1200072177-я серияSince its invention in the late 19th century, pastila has remained a popular Russian sweet. The most famous brand, Belyovsky Pastila, was even served to European royalty. It and its cousin zephyr are still made in the small medieval town of Belyov
1206755188-я серияPancakes, known as blini, are Russia’s signature dish. They can be eaten with just about anything, from jam to caviar. To find out how they used to be made, Oscar takes Glen to a village to learn the old secrets of baking blini in a wood-fired oven
1214274199-я серияBeetroot soup, aka , is one of Russia’s most famous dishes. Oscar and Glen go to a medieval town to make one of the most authentic versions: tsar borsch. This centuries-old recipe includes four kinds of meat and takes six hours to make
122058211010-я серияIt’s the battle of BBQs! Glen and Oscar have a cook off to see which style of barbecue is better - Russian or American
122561011111-я серияOscar and Glen visit Borodino, the scene of an epic battle between Napoleon and Russian Tsar Alexander I in 1812. After getting into the spirit of the time, the friends face off in a battlefield cooking competition
123121111212-я серияOscar and Glen are in the Caucuses city of Esentuki, which is home to Russia’s largest Greek community. Oscar bumps into a Greek friend who invites them to a "small" family dinner
123739411313-я серия
124585511414-я серия
125181711515-я серия
125802811616-я серияOscar and Glen’s culinary adventure takes an exotic twist, when they visit an ostrich farm in the heart of Russia
126350611717-я серия
127121111818-я серия
127593811919-я серия
128453912020-я серияOscar and Glen find themselves in one of the most picturesque and historical places in Russia, Sergiyev Posad. The pair sets off to gather berries so that they can make a jam. They also visit a local farm, where they pick cucumbers to pickle
128899212121-я серия
129548012222-я серия
130006812323-я серия
130698112424-я серия
131205612525-я серия

Расписание показов документального сериала «Вкус России»

Дата Время Канал СезонСерия
2025-01-2205:00RTД HD118
2025-01-2123:30RTД HD118
2025-01-2117:00RTД HD117
2025-01-2111:30RTД HD117
2025-01-2105:00RTД HD117
2025-01-2023:30RTД HD117
2025-01-1817:00RTД HD116
2025-01-1811:30RTД HD116
2025-01-1805:00RTД HD116
2025-01-1723:30RTД HD116
2025-01-1717:00RTД HD115
2025-01-1711:30RTД HD115
2025-01-1705:00RTД HD115
2025-01-1623:30RTД HD115
2025-01-1617:00RTД HD114
2025-01-1611:30RTД HD114
2025-01-1605:00RTД HD114
2025-01-1523:30RTД HD114
2025-01-1517:00RTД HD113
2025-01-1511:30RTД HD113
2025-01-1505:00RTД HD113
2025-01-1423:30RTД HD113
2025-01-1417:00RTД HD112
2025-01-1411:30RTД HD112
2025-01-1405:00RTД HD112